Thank you Atlantis. Each time you submit such a letter, you stick a needle in the WTBTS's eye!
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
2018-3-21-BOE-Special Preaching-Campaign in Ireland!
by Atlantis in2018-3-21-boe, special preaching campaign in ireland.!.
W5 Investigation
by Christian Gutierrez inhey guys!
i just want you guys to know that today is a really great day.
there are so many jehovah's witnesses that saw this documentary and were disgusted by watchtowers policy.
The Fall Guy
Wonderful work C & K. The time-bomb under the WTBTS is ticking louder with each passing day.
Change of the 2 Baptismal Questions Soon?
by The Fall Guy inq1 - on the basis of the sacrifice of jesus christ, have you dedicated yourself to god & the governing body?.
q2 - do you understand that your dedication and baptism as one of jehovah's witnesses identifies your belief the wtbts's literature is equal in authority with the bible?
having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition sufficiently brain-dead to undergo christian jw.borg baptism..
The Fall Guy
Q1 - On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you dedicated yourself to God & the Governing Body?
Q2 - Do you understand that your dedication and baptism as one of Jehovah's Witnesses identifies your belief the WTBTS's literature is equal in authority with the Bible?
Having answered yes to these questions, candidates arein a right heart conditionsufficiently brain-dead to undergoChristianJW.Borg baptism. -
MPs demand action over Jehovah’s Witness abuse allegations March 26, 2018
by Not_Culty inthe guardian (uk), monday, march 26, 2018. mps are demanding government action after more than 100 people contacted the guardian with allegations of child sexual abuse and other mistreatment in jehovah’s witness communities in the uk.. “i am extremely concerned, but not surprised, by the allegations of child abuse within the jehovah’s witness movement.
whenever there is a closed society with an inherent power imbalance, the potential for abuse is there,” said the labour mp sarah champion.. she said she would be raising the issue in parliament and demanding that the government take actionto make sure all children were safe.. alex chalk, the conservative mp for cheltenham, said he planned to raise the issue in parliament, saying it was not just an historical issue but an ongoing child safety concern.. “my instinctive thoughts are that the sheer numbers and seriousness of the allegations coming forward is concerning ... if even half the allegations coming to light are true then it’s clear that an entrenched culture of cover-up and flawed in-house investigations continues to this day,” chalk said.. champion said she was concerned that victims had to report their abuse to elders, without independent scrutiny.. she also expressed concern that abuse claims can only be taken before a committee for investigation if there were two witnesses to it.
“abuse happens in the shadows, so to ask for a second witness is ludicrous and effectively prevents reporting,” champion said.. read full article:
The Fall Guy
Excellent news!
After the WTBTS failed attempts in courts to block the Charities Commission's scrutiny of them, it's the perfect time for the C.C. to revoke the org's charity status - based on its failure to meet the standards and behaviour expected of a charity. Let the "persecution" begin!
Pioneer School scare tactics
by neat blue dog ini just talked with a pioneer who came back from school and she said that at the end there was emphasis put on two things.. 1: stay loyal to the governing body and their teachings.. 2: beware of propaganda.
they said that in wartime the enemy will use propaganda to break the spirit of or confuse the troops.
they said the same things is happening now, so reject negative reports about the organization.. this pioneer (who is fully pimi btw and enthusiastic about it) said she asked her cotboe about if we really have that problem here.
The Fall Guy
"So reject negative reports about the organization."
My zealous JW siblings became executioners and "stoned me to death" because I was informing them of negative aspects about their beloved organization.
It didn't matter that the information was the truth - their cult programming causes the brain to shut down whenever anything anti-WTBTS is said.
Elder to visit me this Saturday to invite for the memorial
by EverApostate injust a brief history of me.
me and my wife got baptized into the jw cult in 1997. we were both protestants before and in fact it was me who dragged her into the cult.
during 2009, another jw friend of mine raised suspicions about his research on the blood and 607 bc theories.
The Fall Guy
Since the C.O.'s agenda is to get you to attend the cult's rejection memorial, ask him the following:
Why does the "faithful slave" say that foreigners were not participants of the Law Covenant?
wt 98 2/1 p.19, par. 6 - "Further, other sheep lay hold of the new covenant just as foreigners of old laid hold of the Law covenant. In what way? Not by becoming participants in it but by submitting to the laws associated with it and benefiting from its arrangements."
Deuteronomy 29:10-15 totally debunks this article and its implications:
“All of you are stationed today before Jehovah your God, the heads of your tribes, your elders, your officers, every man of Israel, your children, your wives, and your foreign resident who is in the midst of your camp, from the one gathering your wood to the one drawing your water. You are here [all of you] in order to enter into the covenant of Jehovah your God and his oath, which Jehovah your God is making with you today in order that he may establish you today as his people and that he may be your God, just as he has promised you and just as he swore to your forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. “Now it is not with you alone that I am making this covenant and this oath, but it is with those standing here with us today before Jehovah our God and with those who are not here with us today."
If Rahab and Ruth (foreigners) were not accepted as full members of the nation of Israel, then the Messianic lineage would have been corrupted!
There is no type/anti-type application for rank & file J.W.'s regarding "foreigners," therefore all Christians are full included in the New Covenant - not just an elite few as espoused by the WTBTS.
What is this "religion"?
by Kom 197 infor a long time, i was convinced jehovah witnesses were just people preaching the word of god in a different way than other christians.
i was shown the real truth over the past few months.
i've been friends with this guy for over 5 years.
The Fall Guy
Welcome Kom. I'm so sorry to hear of your sad situation. One question - Is he baptised? If not, his exit will be a lot easier.
I used to be a zealous JW until I opened my eyes a few years ago.
I once knew a baptised JW who was dating a girl who was studying with two female JW's - but that wasn't good enough for the elders. They told him that if he didn't stop sitting beside her in the Kingdom Hall, they would take away his "privileges." That's the cult your ex is in. You're not good enough for him if you don't join them - fact!
Help Elders poking nose in
by Formerbrother inwhat can i do when elders want to poke their nose in?.
they want to have another chat with me and my wife, but we dont want to, it just gets us down..
The Fall Guy
Formerbrother, in order to kill the elders inquisition attempts, and to keep yourself safe with as little backlash as possible, put on a humble and submissive tone of voice the next time the Pharisees call you, as you say this to them - "Brothers I really appreciate the concern you have for me and my family, but at the moment, as spiritual head of my household, I have to deal with private & personal concerns which can't be discussed with others - not even elders. If things change, I know that I can come to you. Thanks again for your concern."
This works! If they ignore you and try to push, simply repeat, "private & personal" and end the conversation.
They'll discern very quickly that they've hit a brick wall! Best wishes.
Will the Watchtower Company in the near future start asking for a tithe?
by Sour Grapes init appears that the borg has some financial issues and i would think they are related to the hush money being paid out for the child molestation lawsuits to protect the guilty cult members and the fine untarnished reputation of the jdubs.. we have seen how much the borg refers to the hebrew scriptures for their guiding principles whenever it suits the borg's needs.
tithing certainly is laced throughout the old testament.
under the mosaic law, there were three tithes.
The Fall Guy
No tithe. The org's wolves will just remind the sheep of the Bible "principle" of the widow's two small coins - to give as much as you can.
Congregations will then be informed that the "faithful slave" is introducing a new & more efficient method of collecting donations which will conserve valuable funds - donate regularly via bank transfer.
Now every JW can be "encouraged" to donate, because the wolves in the KH can now monitor the "sacrifices" of each individual - just as they presently do with the Monthly Reports.
How long is a generation?
by LevelThePlayingField inwhat splain does in his talk and chart illustration is make the leap that a generation can have two groups.
and in this case the two groups span more than 108 years.
but no where in scripture is there ever a notion that a generation has two groups.
The Fall Guy
@ LTP - (Job 42:16) “After this Job lived for 140 years, and he saw his children and his grandchildren—four generations.”
Even JW's without a higher education can divide 140 by 4 and get the right answer.
@ SOUR GRAPES - The JDubs will say that even though Jesus was referring to his time period that his words were prophetic and had a second fulfillment in our time.
As Vanderhoven points out, Matthew 24:21 eliminates any possibility of a “greater fulfillment.”
Jesus said that the great tribulation he referred to would never occur again! Which part of 'never' don't JW's understand?
The G.T. At Revelation 7:14 is in context with the G.T at Revelation 2:22 and is not alluding to Matthew 24.